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Develop the habit of reading!

Here you will find links to download various books and articles. Including free books! All the books you will find here are important for the professional development of people who work or will work in the health area.
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A proposta deste livro é apresentar uma nova percepção do fazer pedagógico possibilitando uma Formação Docente em Serviço que tem como centro o diálogo e o fazer sem repetir discursos descontextualizados. O propósito é perceber o chão da sala de aula como possibilidade, porque é nele que o processo da educação sistemática acontece, é nele que se torna possível o acompanhamento, a transformação dos discentes a partir do aprendizado não só de ordem cognitiva mas, principalmente, do mundo do trabalho, pois o contato direto com o espaço/realidade escolar favorece uma possível tomada de consciência e, consequentemente, de decisões sobre a escola.
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Information about the main dermatological problems, infectious or not, that affect patients with AIDS

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Assessment - methodologies in the field of health and training

Methodological proposals on research  directed to the field of health and with intersection in  fields  such as management and education, which have interfaces in health organizations.


 from angels to women

Values that have defined nursing as a selfless practice of submission and donation.


Basic manual for outpatient care in nutrition

Educational and enlightening work on the most varied dietary distortions that lead the individual to nutritional imbalance

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covers the essential concepts of the biological action of hormones, offering  professionals  the necessary bases to understand and remember the physiological mechanisms involved in neuroendocrine regulation  of the organs.


Hippocratic texts - the patient, the doctor and the disease

Some of the most important treatises collected under the name Hippocrates in the collection of Greek texts called Corpus Hippocraticum. The chosen treatises present important concepts and precepts developed over two millennia ago and which, until today, are present in western medical practice.


The Human Body: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

Clear, objective, and extensively illustrated text on the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology, with an emphasis on homeostasis.

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Yellow fever

Health without context is a pretext for making mistakes! The humanization of medicine is much more than treating the patient well. After all, this is not a professional issue, but an education issue. In the book "Yellow Fever" you can understand the path taken by science towards the development of the vaccine and the associated socioeconomic context.

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Medicinal plants

Preservation and multiplication of information obtained in community work on the use of plants for medicinal purposes, with due respect to the traditions of African cultural heritage in medicine in Brazil.


Medicinal plants

Preservation and multiplication of information obtained in community work on the use of plants for medicinal purposes, with due respect to the traditions of African cultural heritage in medicine in Brazil.

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